############################### Egg Shell (JHED AD Integration) ############################### .. _egg_for-users: For Users ######### We run a special shell machine named "egg" (get it? get it? Ow! OK, you got it.) which allows *anyone at JHU* to avail themselves of our services, even if they are not members. It integrates with JHU's JHED system, so there are no new passwords for you to memorize or anything. Run ``ssh YOURJHED@egg.acm.jhu.edu`` replacing ``YOURJHED`` with, well, your JHED ID. Once there, you will be able to browse ``/afs/acm.jhu.edu`` with whatever rights have been given to your JHED account. You can directly copy files in or out by using ``scp myfile.txt YOURJHED@egg.acm.jhu.edu:/afs/acm.jhu.edu/group/foo/``, for example. .. _egg_for-admins: For Administrators ################## Thanks to some help from the wonderful folks at WSE IT, we now have a shell server that can authenticate users using their JHED passwords and get them AFS tokens in our cell. Likewise -------- Egg runs http://www.beyondtrust.com/ PowerBroker Identity Services Open "AD Bridge" http://www.powerbrokeropen.org/ . Roughly, this meant that we: * Grabbed http://download.beyondtrust.com/PBISO/8.2.2/linux.deb.x64/pbis-open- * Ran it, letting it rain packages down from the sky. * Joined to the domain using a WSE IT admin account:: domainjoin-cli join --ou WSE/Computers/CS/Servers win.ad.jhu.edu rabakae1 Note that WSE went and created a CS OU just for us. :) Cross-reference :ref:`jhu-upstreams_ldap`. * Ran some additional configuration commands:: cd /opt/pbis/bin ./config LoginShellTemplate /bin/bash ./config Local_HomeDirTemplate "%H/JHED/%U" ./config HomeDirTemplate "%H/JHED/%U" ./config AssumeDefaultDomain ./config AssumeDefaultDomain "true" That was astoundingly painless. Note that PBIS Open is, in fact, open source -- http://www.powerbrokeropen.org/licensing/ has the details and the URL for git clone. OpenStack --------- While the machine was being set up, it was in the default security group. Subsequently, I have created the "eggish" security group which permits only: * DNS access to openstack's resolver * Egress to TCP and UDP * Egress to TCP and UDP * Arbitrary egress to UDP ports 7000-7010 * Arbitrary egress to TCP ports 80 and 443 * Arbitrary ingress on UDP 7001 * Arbitrary ingress on TCP 22 Other ----- Just installed libpam-afs-session and set up AFS as usual. Everything seems fine.